Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates in Tennessee

While researching and analyzing public policy issues, we run across a lot of great data and information. Much of it finds its way into our reports and policy briefs. But sometimes we find nuggets that, while interesting, don’t fit into whatever we’re working on at the moment. We still think this information is worth sharing, so today we’re launching Tabulation Tuesday — an occasional series of short posts that highlight interesting or noteworthy data. The first installment of Tabulation Tuesday looks at cardiovascular disease mortality rates in Tennessee.

Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates in TennesseeWhat We Tabulated:

  • Age-adjusted mortality rates for cardiovascular disease (CVD)1 in Tennessee

What We Learned:

  • From 1999-2015, the CVD mortality rates in Tennessee have been higher than the U.S. average.
  • African-Americans have the highest rates of CVD mortality in the state.
  • Asians and Pacific Islanders have the lowest rates of CVD mortality in the state.

 Where We Got Our Data:

  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, Underlying Cause of Death 1999-2015

Related Research from The Sycamore Institute


1CVD mortality was determined by the following ICD-10 codes: I00-I02, I05-I09, I11.0, I11.9, I13.0 , I13.1, I13.2 , I13.9 , I20-I25 , I26-I28 , I30-I51 , I60-I69