The Sycamore Institute recently welcomed Josiah Hoss to our full-time staff as our Policy Analyst. We asked Josiah to answer the following questions so you can get to know him better.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am, by many accounts, very “country.” I was born and raised in southwest Louisiana for the first half of my childhood by an oil worker and his young wife. At 9, we moved to the Mississippi Delta, and at 15, we moved to Tennessee. After I graduated high school, I enrolled at the University of Memphis and originally sought a degree in journalism or psychology. In my freshman year of college, I was fascinated by the presidential election and found my passion in studying political science. Working odd jobs and a frustrating number of nighttime serving gigs, I graduated with my bachelor’s in May of 2020 and my master’s in December of 2023. During that time, I also assisted in developing two new small businesses in the Memphis area. I am excited to work with policy again and start a life in Nashville with my partner and two dogs.
Why did you want to work at the Sycamore Institute?
The political climate these days is often marked by strong attitudes and sensationalism. I am excited to work with Sycamore Institute because of its commitment to non-biased, data-driven policy research.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
In 15 years, I would like to be a family man. While it may sound kitschy, I want to be mowing a yard and growing a family. I hope to fish more often and be a positive role model in my community.
What are your interests and activities outside of work?
While I’m not particularly good at any of them, I enjoy playing rugby, skateboarding, and almost any action sport involving contact. I worked in food for years, so I enjoy trying new restaurants and cafes. In my downtime, I like to read philosophy or literature and watch movies—my favorite book and movie is No Country for Old Men. I am also in the process of teaching myself how to cook over live heat.
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I love karaoke (my favorite songs are “My Way” by Frank Sinatra and “Family Tradition” by Hank Williams Jr.).